wtec GmbH
Dornbachstraße 1a
61352 Bad Homburg
Phone: +49 6172 995 98 0
Fax: +49 6172 995 98 33

Management: Daniel Stephen Massey

Seat, Registry court: Bremen
Commercial register number: HRB 33615 HB
VAT ID No.: DE319928164
Tax number: 03 248 47139 FA Bad Homburg
Responsible for content according to § 55 Abs. 2 RStV: Daniel S. Massey, on behalf of wtec GmbH

This imprint is also valid for the following social media portals:

Youtube: youtube.com/channel/UCk7cbs17fDsGJFr2rSnpxsA
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/company/wtec-smartengine/

Open Source Disclosure
Abstract image: A red circle overlaps a blue circle, creating a purple area where they intersect.